
Sunday Morning Worship, 10:30am


Small Groups

Small Groups are an extension of Lake Community Fellowship to help us connect the people we know, and possibly spend the most time with, to Jesus and the study of God's Word.  We meet in homes at various locations around the lake and plan to have studies in the Fall, Winter and Spring. These studies can range from topical, to biblical book studies, as well as characters of the bible. Make sure to Connect with us for more information on Small Groups.

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Family Ministry

First Wednesday's Family Ministry is an opportunity each month for families to come together at the church facility to study God's word together.  The goal of First Wednesday's is to help parents learn how to disciple their own children doing activities and studying the bible together.  This ministry will hopefully lay the groundwork for moms and dads to invest into their own children establishing a biblical foundation for generations to come.


Students Ministry

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Worship Team

The Lake Community Fellowship worship team seeks to be filled with the Holy Spirit as we lead the congregation in authentic worship to our God and King. If you are interested in being part of the worship band or tech-team contact Monica Jones.